Action | Unix | Windows | Notes |
Print working directory | pwd | pwd | |
Change directory | cd | cd | |
Make directory | mkdir | ||
List contents | ls | dir | -a to include hidden files |
Remove directory | rmdir | Only works if directory is empty | |
Remove directory and contents | rm -rf | ||
Create file | touch | ||
Remove file | rm |
Action | Command | Notes |
List local branches | git branch | |
Prune local branches | git fetch -p ; git branch -r | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v -f /dev/fd/0 <(git branch -vv | grep origin) | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -d | Link |
Delete branch locally | git branch -d localBranchName | |
Delete branch remotely | git push origin --delete remoteBranchName | |
Reset the local branch to the most recent commit of the remote branch | git reset --hard origin/master | master in this case |
Merge main branch into feature branch | git checkout feature && git merge main or git merge feature main | Creates a new “merge commit” in the feature branch that ties together the histories of both branches |
Rebase the feature branch onto main | git checkout feature && git rebase main | Moves the entire feature branch to begin on the tip of the main branch, effectively incorporating all of the new commits in main |
Action | Command | Notes |
List images | docker image ls | |
List running containers | docker ps | |
List all containers | docker ps -a | |
Remove all docker things | docker system prune | |
Remove unused images | docker image prune | |
Remove non running containers | docker container prune | |
Get output from container | docker logs | |
Start a stopped container | docker start <container_id> | |
Stop container with SIGTERM | docker stop <container_id> | |
Stop container with SIGKILL | docker kill <container_id> | |
Run extra commands inside container | docker exec -it <container_id> <command> | -i makes stuff you type get set to the STDIN and back from the STDOUT and STDERR processes. -t makes it get show up on your screen in nicely formatted way |
Copy file into container | docker cp <path> <container_id:path> |
Remember shift key for lots of the characters in these commands
Action | Command | Notes |
Install | sudo apt install tmux | |
Create new pane to the right | Ctrl+b % | |
Start | tmux | |
Create new pane below | Ctrl+b " | |
Navigate between panes | Ctrl+b → Ctrl+b ← Ctrl+b ↑ Ctrl+b ↓ | |
Close current pane | exit | |
Create new window | Ctrl+b c | |
Switch to window by number | Ctrl+b [WINDOW NUMBER] | |
Rename current window | Ctrl+b , + [NEW NAME] + Enter | |
Close window | exit when there is only one pane left | |
Detach session | Ctrl+b d | |
List background sessions | tmux ls | |
Attach to session | tmux attach -t [SESSION NAME] | |
Rename session | tmux rename-session -t [CURRENT NAME] [NEW NAME] | name is 0, 1, etc by defualt. |
Create new session | tmux new -s [SESSION NAME] | tmux names it after next number |
Delete session | tmux kill-session -t [SESSION NAME] | |
Enter scroll mode in pane | Ctrl+b [ | q to quit mode |
Various Linux and/or MacOS things that I find myself forgetting how to do a lot
Action | Command | Notes |
Add a directory to start of your PATH | export PATH=<DIRECTORY>:$PATH | |
Get the size of of a directory | du -sh <DIRECTORY> | See more |
Change the ownership of a directory | sudo chown -R <username> <path> | |
Add new user | adduser <username> | |
Delete a user | sudo deluser --remove-home <username> | |
Add higher privileges | usermod -aG sudo <username> |
Action | Mac | Windows | Notes |
Go to first cell | Ctrl+home | Ctrl+home | On a MacOS laptop this means Ctrl+fn+left arrow . On a desktop keyboard there are home up and down arrows |
Shortcut | Description |
shift+alt+arrow | Duplicate the line the cursor is on |
cmd+alt+arrow | New cursor on line below or above current cursor |
cmd+shift+L | Cursors on every occurance of highlighted text |
cmd+g | Move cursor to next occurance of highlighted text |
cmd+d | Highlight next occurance of highlighted text as well |
ctrl+` | Open integrated terminal pane |
Input | Output |
f"{'text':10}" | "text\\\\\" (\ = whitespace) |
f"{"test":#>10}" | "######test" |
f"{"test":#<10}" | "test######" |
f"{"test":#^10}" | "###test###" |
f"{12345:0>10}" | "0000012345" |
f"{-12345:0=10}" | "-000012345" |
f"{12345:010}" | "0000012345" |
f"{-12345:010}" | "-000012345" |
f"{math.pi:.2f}" | "3.14" |
f"{1000000:,.2f}" | "1,000,000.00" |
f"{1000000:\_.2f}" | "1_000_000.00" |
f"{12345:+}" | "+12345" |
f"{-12345:+}" | "-12345" |
f"{-12345:+10}" | "\\\\\-12345" (\ = whitespace) |
f"{-12345:+010}" | "-000012345" |
f"{10:b}" | "1010" |
f"{10:o}" | "12" |
f"{200:x}" | "c8" |
f"{200:X}" | "C8" |
f"{345600000000:e}" | "3.456000e+11" |
f"{65:c}" | "A" (ASCII value) |
f"{10:#b}" | "0b1010" |
f"{10:#o}" | "0o12" |
f"{10:#x}" | "0xa" |
f"{0.25:0%}" | "25.000000%" |
f"{0.25:.0%}" | "25%" |
Tags: Programming